Station News

February 28, 2025


It was another great day to sort records!  Enoch joined us today and between the other day and today, we totaled just under 4000 45-rpm singles, all sorted alphabetically by artist first letter, in about four hours.  There's still a ton to do for now we have to sort the contents of each box alphabetically.  This will lead up to the big integration into the nearly 10,000 singles in our library.  It's a big job but it's the way of radio's lore.  If you're interested in volunteering, just drop us a line at KVWJ.  We'd love to meet you and would sincerely appreciate your help.



February 17, 2025

What else would YOU do on wintry February day but stay indoors and sort through over 1,500 45-RPM singles?  There's no end to the fun here at KVWJ.  Come volunteer if you like!  Contact us at 245-9139 or by sending us an email.  We'd love to show you the place and enlist your help; special thanks to Connor and Jacob!!


More sorting awaits.....much, much more!  Come join in the fun!





February 16, 2025

When we are in the bleak midwinter, I focus on projects that are best built indoors on inclement days so when the sun is shining, I don't feel as if I am missing out.  Here are some examples of the work happening at the radio station to improve our operation!


Antenna coax switch to change between main and back-up transmitters


Relay box for the control of the back-up transmitter

Dual tuner for EAS and confidence monitoring at the transmitter site

When the weather improves I think it'll be time for a little installation party, don't you?  It'll be on a warm, sun-shiny day!





February 04, 2025


New year, new goals!  In cooperation with Canyon and Lincoln Elementary schools in Hyrum, we invite you to tune in about 7:10 and 8:10 weekday mornings for the daily school lunch menu.  This is a work-in-progress so let us know what you think by dropping a note to  Bon appétit!




January 27th, 2025


Happy New Year and best wishes from all of us at KVWJ!  We also want to welcome the fine folks at Yeidi's Mexican Restaurant who have added their name to our list of local businesses who support us.  As always, J-95 encourages supporting all our South Valley businesses.  Thanks to all!  




December 21st, 2024

At this time of year, we thank our many supporters including Cooks Underground HQ Restaurant, Knudsen's Sharpening Service, Northern Glass Pros, and we wish the folks at Golden Jade Chinese Restaurant the best in all their future endeavors.  Please take a moment to either visit our sponsors or to take advantage of the services they offer.  Of course, we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year's celebration from your friends here at KVWJ/Alumni Records!




December 3rd, 2024


J-95 is now playing a selection of seasonal favorites each hour through December 25th culminating in a 36-hour music and memories special beginning at noon on Christmas Eve and clear though 'til midnight Christmas Day.  From all of us in the KVWJ family, we wish all a very Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year! 



December 2nd, 2024


It's truly a labor of love.....and it takes a lot of time, but YOU are worth it!  We strive to make J-95 a special place where you can go to listen, to reminisce, and to stay informed.



This screen represents one small part of building newly-refreshed playlists with some new music (including the seasonal holiday music as well).  If I were to explain how it all has to work to come together in the end, you wouldn't believe me!




November 21st, 2024


Our CD players have been under the weather for quite some time but with the help of Benson and Randy at Interwest, we are once again good to go.  These decks look and sound better than Day One and it sure is nice to have them back in running order.  

It's like Christmas in Jul....errrr......November!



November 6th, 2024


It is with great sadness that we recognize the passing of Laurel Redd Feddock. Laurel was a great friend of KVWJ. She had a tremendous love of music, culture, eating and living healthy, and had a quirky sense of humor. She grew up in the Woodland Hills area of Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley, later moving to reside in the Bay Area. When she ventured into doing voice work during the pandemic, KVWJ was her first client. She also worked for the Boy Scouts of America, as a website developer, and was the mother of two. KVWJ sends our sincerest, most heartfelt condolences to the Feddock and Redd families, especially to Laurel's husband Michael, and their children.

"...The day we meet again we will walk in peace through the garden down the road...."

"....just one single tear in each passing year..." 

(Hayward / Rutherford)



November 1st, 2024


Nothing sounds as good as vinyl and nothing sounds as good as vinyl on the Cadillac of turntables....the Technics SP10 Mk.II !

KVWJ has had this unit "mothballed" for quite some time until appropriate repairs could be made to both its outboard power supply and the platter system.  Truthfully, we have been limited in our abilities with our turntable out of commission. Special thanks to Randy and Benson at Interwest Electronics in Salt Lake City for their careful attention to even the smallest of details in rebuilding this vital playback device.  We hope to have our Onkyo Integra CD decks back in working order soon as they are now under the dedicated eye of the good folks at Interwest.  Such is the life of small market radios stations across the country - doing what needs to be done in order to keep the news and music on the air.  Good things come to those who wait and we are very patient in waiting for the phone to ring!  Thanks again to Randy and Benson!




October 25th, 2024



Coming to a radio dial near you!  October 30th and 31st, 7pm




October 24th, 2024

Happy 7th Birthday to KVWJ!  We appreciate and thank our listeners, our donors and underwriters, and all our friends who continue to make J-95 a reality.




September 25th, 2024

Alumni Records held it's first public meeting about the growth and future of KVWJ.  Many good ideas were suggested and plans are being made to implement those suggestions.  As these ideas are ready to be rolled out on-the-air, updates will be posted here.  Stay tuned for partial excitement!



September 24th, 2014 

KVWJ thanks Ken Andersen for his years of dedicated service on the Board of Directors of Alumni Records, Inc., the parent company which operates KVWJ.  He is still involved with keeping our computers and file servers running.  In an industry of change, Ken is a constant we can rely upon.  We appreciate his friendship, dedication, and he is never very far away!

At the same time, Alumni Records, Inc. is pleased to announce that Jim Wellings has joined our Board of Directors.  Jim is a great asset and has helped us countless times over the nearly seven years we've been on-the-air.  His sound mixing experience will be put to good use at J-95.  Welcome aboard Jim!  



September 2nd, 2024


And that wraps up our parade season for the summer.  We had great time back on the 24th at the annual Paradise Trout & Berry Days celebration with breakfast before the parade.  Today found us at the Wellsville Founder's Day festivities.


Thanks to our South Valley cities and towns for letting us join in the fun this summer and for the support we felt from parade-goers at each event!  It's a lot of fun to get out and "meet" everyone on these occasions.  

We'll be out again next summer!




August 17th, 2024

KVWJ welcomes Northern Glass Pros to our list of sponsoring businesses who believe in what we do to serve our South Valley listeners.  Other establishments include Golden Jade Chinese Restaurant, Knudsen's Sharpening Service, and in the past, Cache Law and Last Chance Diesel.  J-95 sincerely thanks these businesses for their support!




July 27th, 2024

KVWJ was entry #23 in the Mendon Pioneer Day parade and not even a drop of sorely-needed rain could stop either KVWJ or the cheering crowds lining the streets from turning out to celebrate!




July 25th, 2024

Coming Soon!  Track 11, Saturday nights only on KVWJ....




July 4th, 2024

KVWJ was entry #7 in the Hyrum 4th of July parade and we have the video to prove it!  Just click on the link...

We also enjoyed airing the fireworks music LIVE from the Alumni Records studios, home of KVWJ.  We hope you enjoyed listening and watching as much as we did!  It was the perfect ending to a beautiful and fun-filled summer day!  Happy Fourth of July!




Photos and video courtesy Jim Wellings


July 2nd, 2024

J-95 continued it's annual tradition of broadcasting Hyrum City's Patriotic Program live from City Square.  James Burton of United States Department of State was the special guest speaker and offered many encouraging words to the attendees, both in the park and over-the-air.  The Hyrum Children's Choir performed along with a 21-gun salute from the veterans of American Legion Post 47. 

Coming up, on the Fourth of July, the Parade on Main Street starts at 10am.  Watch for the KVWJ truck and send out a cheer.  Later that evening, the fireworks program will have accompanying music broadcast on KVWJ.  Tune in at 10pm!

Details on Hyrum City's Star-Spangled Week can be found here.




June 22nd, 2024

As Hyrum City's Star-Spangled Week is upon us, here is a reminder of what you can expect to hear and see from KVWJ.  Next Sunday, the 30th, J-95 will continue it's annual tradition of broadcasting Hyrum City's Patriotic Program live from City Square.  James Burton of United States Department of State will be the special guest speaker.  The Hyrum Children's Choir will also perform along with a salute from the veterans of American Legion Post 47, and much more.  This will take place at 7pm.  If you attend in-person, drop by the broadcast desk and say hello.

On the Fourth of July, the Parade on Main Street starts at 10am.  Watch for the KVWJ truck and send out a cheer.  Later that evening, the fireworks program will have accompanying music broadcast on KVWJ.  Tune in at 10pm!

Details on Hyrum City's Star-Spangled Week can be found here.



June 4, 2024

We live in a beautiful place and feel so blessed to be able to take in vistas like this from our transmitter site.  It's also looking nicer in the KVWJ studios now that spring is here upon us!  The new computers arrived recently, have been installed, and our playlists have been refreshed.  

Also, our turntable and CD players will soon be going into the shop to be reconditioned in the hopes of live programming becoming a possibility!  Surrounded by all this great music, we think it's high time for a return of "The All-Oldies Request Hour" to the airwaves in Cache Valley, don't you?



April 11, 2024

KVWJ was well-represented at the Association of Public Radio Engineers annual conference in Las Vegas.  There was a presentation how we made J-95 happen that was well-received by over 100 radio engineers and equipment manufacturers.



FYI:  KVWJ is at the forefront of using AI in the radio field to provide local program information in our twice-an-hour weather forecasts and temperatures.  Discussions with Bill Bennett of industry-leader ENCO Systems revealed how advanced KVWJ is in this field for a station of our size and situation.


March 20, 2024

The return of the weather forecast is predicted to happen soon - with current temps!  Watch this space or better yet, stay tuned!


February 25th, 2024

The quiet of a Sunday morning was met with an eerie silence as electrical service to the site where KVWJ's transmitter is located was suddenly interrupted.  Note the open line fuse and the broken lightning arrestor in the upper right hand corner of the photo. 

KVWJ will return to the air as soon as power is restored at our transmitter site.  We have been told this will take place by the evening of Monday, February 26th.  J-95 sends our best wishes to the electrical linemen who will be performing the necessary work.

Update!  Electrical service was restored this morning (2/26) and we were able to resume broadcasting.  Thanks to the Hyrum City crews for their timely response!



January 13, 2024

Late breaking news.....while it's cold and snowy outside (it's just as cold in the studio....but no snow in there!), that doesn't stop us from constantly striving to improve our on-air presentation.  Researching a tip from a friend (thanks, Amanuensis!), I was able to obtain a great collection of instrumental music for our Sunday overnight, afternoon, and evening hours.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


January 11, 2024

Happy New Year!!  And with a new year's greeting comes a new sound and look to KVWJ in the form of a brand-new transmitter!  This model was carefully selected to meet the needs of the station and our listeners.  May I introduce to you, fresh from Hacketts Cove, Nova Scotia, the Nautel VX-300 FM transmitter!


The new transmitter is the pretty blue device at the top of this photo.  Our old system was comprised of the single tan and the three grey units below the new transmitter.  The old transmitter will be kept in reserve as a backup should the need ever arise.  We're still looking for a replacement for the guy standing to the left!


We have also taken a giant leap into the 21st century by enabling RDS-equipped radios to display our call letters, song title, artist, and year of each selection we play on the air and we hope you enjoy this feature.  I just wish the KVWJ truck had a RDS-capable radio!  Stay tuned for other little tweaks and adjustments as we continually improve "....the little radio station around the corner and up your block."


September 8th, 2023

Summer may be coming to a close but at KVWJ, we see it as a time to reflect on the fun we have had.  We participated in four parades celebrating the culture and heritage of south valley.  Better weather couldn't have been asked for Paradise City's Trout and Berry Days.
Wellsville City celebrated their Founder's Day festivities on a rather showery Labor Day morning but the showers abated just in time for a great celebration!  KVWJ was there and we are proud to be a part of the lives of our listeners, their families, and our communities!
Image by Lucio Alfonsi from Pixabay
Perhaps you've already heard:  Our Sunday Easy Listening lineup is making a change for the better.  A large library of late 30's and 1940's music is being put together and rolled out for your listening enjoyment from midnight Saturday to 6am and from 3pm to midnight Sunday.  We hope you enjoy hearing it as much as we are thrilled to be assembling it for you.  As one listener put it:  "It's exactly what I would expect to be coming our of my radio on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


July was a busy month for J-95!  In addition to broadcasting the Hyrum City Patriotic Program and the music for the Hyrum City Fireworks show, KVWJ was out and about in both the Hyrum 4th of July Parade...
                                            well as the Mendon City 24th of July Festivities.  Look for us soon at the Paradise Trout And Berry Days Celebrations and the Wellsville Founder's Day Parade! 


"Into A Child's Mind" is a new feature on KVWJ.  Tune in at 8am Saturdays for a half hour of children's music and storytelling.  
You know, Mom and Dad, you might want to join in the listening just for fun!




Hot Wheels in Hyrum, Hyrum City's annual museum fundraiser and car show took place on Saturday.  We met with many listeners who shared their thoughts on KVWJ and we enjoyed the opportunity to interact on such a beautiful day.

J-95 was there providing public address services and music.  Food, prizes, and fun - all for a great cause!



 January 2023

Moving through the "Doldrums of January" is never very fun.  In the meantime, here is a snapshot of the KVWJ tower at the transmitter site on a spring day reminding us that warmer days are coming....eventually....and that "Summer Means Fun"! 


J-95 is now playing a selection of seasonal favorites each hour through December 25th culminating in a 36-hour music and memories special beginning at noon on Christmas Eve and a two-hour Canyon Breeze special at noon on Christmas Day.  From all of us in the KVWJ family, we wish all a very Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year! 


As KVWJ moves into its next five years, we anticipate the need for an improved facility with greater public access and exposure.  A facility which will allow us to grow and serve the South Valley with additional program offerings and increased coverage.  This will not be an easy process - it will involve cooperation on many levels within our community and hopefully, with the support of our listeners, local businesses, and Hyrum City, we can make this dream become a reality.  If you are interested in playing a part in the next chapter of KVWJ, please contact us.


October 24th, 2022
KVWJ celebrated our fifth birthday tonight and it is with great anticipation and excitement that we look forward to the next five years!  Thank you to our listeners and supporters from one of the most dedicated group of radio station staffers that I have had the pleasure to work with.  Be sure to listen closely for our special birthday greetings on the air this week!



KVWJ will be celebrating it's 5th birthday in a little under four weeks.  We can't believe it's been five years already!  

Do you think this an occasion for cake and ice cream?  We certainly do!  Let us know if you'd like to attend a gathering on the evening of Monday, October 24th at the Alumni Records Studios in Hyrum and watch this space for additional details!




KVWJ was everywhere during Hyrum City's Star Spangled Week!  J-95 broadcast the Patriotic Program which featured guest speaker Jennie Taylor and the Hyrum Children's Choir on Sunday evening, KVWJ was in the Hyrum City 4th of July Parade, and J-95 also broadcast the music which accompanied the fireworks show at the conclusion of a activity-filled week.  

Thank you to all who participated, listened, and enjoyed our part in the Hyrum City 2022 Independence Day celebration!  Special thanks to Jim Wellings of Flaire, LLC for assisting with the sound production of the Patriotic Program broadcast!



Hot Wheels in Hyrum, Hyrum City's annual museum fundraiser and car show took place on Saturday.  

J-95 was there providing public address services and music.  Food, prizes, and fun - all for a great cause!



KVWJ recently celebrated our summer party (in-between Memorial Day weekend's rain showers!) which included a fantastic dessert baked and decorated by station staffer Jim Wellings.  

Summer means FUN! 



KVWJ's coverage of Hyrum City Council meetings will be on hiatus for the month of April as the Council will not be meeting until May 5th.  Planning Commission meeting will be broadcast as scheduled.  Go online to for meeting information and agenda details then tune in at 6:25pm to stay informed and up-to-date on what is happening in Hyrum. 




J-95 has added weather forecasts to our on-air programing line-up.  South Valley weather, twice an hour, only on 94.9 FM KVWJ!




KVWJ continues our coverage of Hyrum City Council and Planning Commission meetings on Thursday evenings.  Go online to for meeting information and agenda details then tune in at 6:25pm to stay informed and up-to-date on what is happening.  Broadcast live from the Hyrum City Council Chambers only on 94.9 FM




J-95 is continuing it's partnership with Utah Public Radio in offering instruction in the radio arts.  Meetings are held at 7pm on Wednesdays at the UPR Studios on the Utah State University campus (745 North 1200 East - across from Aggie Ice Cream) in room 112 of the Radio-TV building.  We encourage mask wearing and safe distancing following USU Covid-19 guidelines.  For more information on this, contact Friend Weller at (435) 797-3162 or through this e-mail link.


KVWJ successfully broadcast our first coverage of the Hyrum City Council Meeting on January 6th.  Hyrum City Planning Commission meeting will be our next civic broadcast on Thursday, January 13th.  Tune in at 6:25pm to stay informed and up-to-date on what is happening.  Broadcast live from the Hyrum City Council Chambers only on 94.9 FM




January 2022


Beginning on January 6th, J-95 will be providing gavel-to-gavel coverage of Hyrum City Council Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday evenings of each month.  Hyrum City Planning Commission meetings will be broadcast on the second Thursday of each month.   Tune in at 6:25 to stay informed and up-to-date on what is happening.  Broadcast live from the Hyrum City Council Chambers only on 94.9 FM.


It's once again time to enjoy seasonal favorites from the KVWJ library beginning December 6th!  And don't forget to tune in on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for 36 hours of non-stop Holiday Magic, stories and music.  Happy Holidays from KVWJ!!!



October 24th, 2021


Happy 4th Birthday!!  J-95 has added over 300 "new" songs to our on-air library.  We hope you enjoy the new listening experience!  

Set your presets to 94.9 FM today!





J-95 has partnered with Utah Public Radio in offering instruction in the radio arts.  Meetings are held at 7pm on Tuesdays at the UPR Studios on the Utah State University campus (745 North 1200 East - across from Aggie Ice Cream) in room 112 of the Radio-TV building.  We encourage mask wearing and safe distancing following USU Covid-19 guidelines.  For more information on this, contact Friend Weller at (435) 797-3162 or through this e-mail link.


J-95 is excited to announce the addition of nearly 200 selections to our existing 2200-song playlist!  We plan to have this done in time for the station's fourth birthday on the October 24th!  Celebrate with us by enjoying more great music! 

 That's only about a third of the records!

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